Our First Aid Training Courses
St Andrew’s First Aid is Scotland’s leading first aid training provider.
We deliver first aid, health and safety, and mental health first aid training to companies, local authorities, schools and members of the public across our training venues in Scotland.
Venues include Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, Glenrothes, Hamilton, Inverness, Stirling, Perth and Livingston.
As well as delivering first aid courses in our venues throughout Scotland, St Andrew’s First Aid can deliver the same training on your premises.
To get in touch please give our team a call on 0300 466 6999 or email [email protected]
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Browse Workplace Training Courses
Workplace First Aid Courses
Employers have a legal responsibility for making sure their employees receive immediate attention if they are taken ill or are injured at work. Accidents and illness can happen at any time and first aid can save lives.
Health and Safety
Employers must nominate a sufficient number of employees to implement the company’s health and safety procedures. We offer a range of fire, health and safety courses to meet your needs.
Mental Health First Aid
Spot the signs of mental health and confidently provide support and guidance with our training courses. Choose from two day, one day or half day sessions at a location convenient for you.
Other Courses
We offer a number of other certificated first aid courses including Baby & Child, Paediatric and Sports Injuries First Aid.

First Aid Training Courses
We continue to run our face-to-face training courses, within Government guidelines and with appropriate COVID-19 safety measures in place so your training experience can feel as safe as possible. View our FAQs when attending training at our centres.
Health and Safety Courses at Your Workplace
First Aid Training on Your Premises
As well as delivering first aid courses in our venues throughout Scotland, St Andrew’s First Aid can deliver the same training on your premises as well. We come directly to your premises providing first aid courses straight to you and your employees.

To find out more about our training courses, please contact us and our team will get back to you.