Community Engagement Activities

St Andrew’s First Aid believes no one should suffer or die because they needed first aid and didn’t get it.

That’s why our dedicated volunteers travel across Scotland providing donation-based first aid talks and demonstrations for community groups. Each year, St Andrew’s First Aid volunteers give up more than 50,000 hours delivering invaluable first aid sessions to more than 12,000 members of the public.

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What we do:

  • First aid talks and demonstrations/workshops
    We have a range of first aid workshops which can be delivered to suit any group. Typical sessions can last from 15mins to 2 hours.
  • Defibrillator donations and placement
    We are delighted to work with individuals, groups and organisations to support the placement of Public Access Defibrillators throughout Scotland. Should you wish to either benefit from a defibrillator donation, or donate a defibrillator (used or new) to this scheme, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].
  • Public demonstrations
    We welcome the opportunity to do public first aid demonstrations in locations throughout Scotland. If you would like a demonstration at your workplace, shopping centre, community event, or any other public setting we would be delighted to support this. 
  • School activities
    Please visit our dedicated schools page for further information.

Who is this for?

Everyone! We work with people and groups across Scotland at all ages, stages and abilities. Sessions can be tailored to your group’s interests, needs and requirements which you can let us know about when requesting a session.

We do not set a minimum/maximum number of attendees, however, should you have a large group please let us know so we can send additional people/resources.

*Please note that these sessions are not a substitute for regulatory training as specified by the health and safety executive.

Is there a cost?

Although there is no direct charge for our community engagement activities, we could not maintain or provide this service without the kind donations of those who attend our sessions.

Information about how to donate is provided upon confirmation of attendance, or you can donate today here.

How do we get involved?

The easiest way to book a session is to complete the form below.
Should you still have any questions please contact a member of staff by emailing [email protected] or calling 0141 332 4031.

Help us to continue our lifesaving community work

Your gift will help us to continue supporting communities and train new life-savers. Our supporters’ donations make the work we do possible.